Tuesday 27 October 2009

It's Tawny Owl time again

For the last ten days or so it has been owl night every night. This the male hooting sound rather than the shriller female cry. It is the autumn territorial process rather than breeding. I tried to spot an owl I could hear calling from high up in one of the trees along our drive but he seemed to go silent as I got nearer so no luck tonight.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Property viewing or singles holiday?

We have seen few mallards in the last few months but yesterday a group of seven turned up, four drakes and three ducks. They swam round in a group checking out the moat as if they were viewing to check suitability for nesting. As the day wore on there was a distinct pairing off with one pair starting to separate themselves and the others swimming male and female together (except for the duck that had two drakes in tow).

Monday 5 October 2009


For the first time in a few months I saw a kingfisher this afternoon and it surprised me by staying on a lilac branch overhanging the moat despite the fact I was only about twenty feet away (without my camera of course). I stood motionless and watch for maybe a minute or so when to my astonishment a second kingfisher joined it on the branch. This is a first for me. They were facing opposite directions so I was able to see the unique blue of the back of the first bird next to the orangy red of the breast of the second. All at once they set off low over the water at speed - two brilliant blue flashes against the murky brown of the moat.