Friday 13 July 2007

Spotlight on the moorhens

Now that almost all the mallards have gone - there seems to be just one duck with two ducklings left and they are keeping a low profile - the moorhens are centre stage. There are six chicks on the moat - two older ones who wander round independently and four younger chicks who are watched carefully by adults. One of the parents looking after the chicks is spending time lying down on the lawn - a behaviour I had not spotted before. I noticed that the adult had a limp which may be part of the reason for being on sentry duty and part of the reason for spending time lying on the grass. I still find the moorhens have a comical look on land which contrasts with their elegance in the water. It is the huge feet and long legs that give the appearance of one of those trucks on monster tyres. I am also amazed at the way they start off as chicks looking like very small versions of the parents and then move into a juvenile phase looking quite different beofre reasserting the adult look.

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