Thursday 26 August 2010

Butterflies - 16 species in one day

I finally got around to examining the photographs that I took on 30 July in detail. In particular I wanted to nail down whther I had seen both Large and Small Whites and make sure that I hadn't missed any species when logging them on the day. I can now confirm that I saw 16 species of butterfly on the meadow in one day - which seems amazing to me. Nothing unusual or rare it is true, but still quite a sight. For the record they were Comma, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Red Admiral, Brown Argus, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Ringlet, Small Copper, Large White, Small White, Green-Veined White, Small Skipper and Speckled Wood. The photograph is of the underside of a Holly Blue.

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