Thursday 9 June 2011

Update on ducklings and moorhen chicks

The three main sets of ducklings that are on the moat this year exhibit quite different parenting styles. The first brood to be born - a set of twelve were given lots of freedom from the off and they spread themselves around the moat foraging far from their mother at an early age. The second brood of ten born a week or so later have been very much under close control. They can be seen swimming in formation behind their mum and keeping close to her at most times. The picture above is of this brood resting on the exposed mud at the side of the moat (it has been very dry this year so far). A third brood of four ducklings is under an even closer regime. They are younger it is true but they are to be found sleeping under the outstretched wings of the mother rather than in a pile beside her. She also takes issue with the older ducklings who might stray too close to her four.

Meanwhile the moorhen chicks are doing OK. There seem to be around five or so spread around the moat. They need a good survival rate this summer to build up the numbers as a good group of moorhens provides entertainment all year round.

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