Sunday 28 August 2011


I like sparrowhawks as much as the next man but I resented the presence of a family of sparrowhawks which hung around for a couple of weeks. The main problem was that they were predating moorhens which had just built their numbers up after last winter's 'fox on the ice' incident. All the normal songbirds just made themselves scarce once the fledgling sparrowhawks and their industrious parent set themselves up in the trees around the moat but the moorhens had to stay. The sparrowhawks were also predating other birds but I know they took at least five moorhens. The adult sparrowhawk would return from a hunting trip, prey in its talons and would call out the young who would fly out from the trees. In an aerial ballet the adult would then hover and release the prey for the youngster to catch it in mid air. Pretty impressive stuff except for the thought that the prey might be a moorhen. I probably should have been taking award winning photographs of their activity but instead I just climbed trees and made noise to try and frighten them away. It didn't work but having been away for a few days I finds that peace has broken out and the sparrowhawks seem to have moved on.

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