Wednesday 25 April 2012

First ducklings of 2012

Just a couple of days after the first moorhen chicks were hatched we had our first ducklings. I was looking for the moorhen chicks when an oddly coloured one appeared and it took me a few seconds to realise it was in fact a single duckling with no sign of adults or other chicks. A couple of hours later I spotted the whole brood who had now hatched although I didn't get a precise count. There were certainly at least half a dozen. Later however the crows and some sparrowhawks seemed to be taking a lot of interest and it's possible she lost a few. Whatever the reason she seems to have decamped with them to somewhere else as I haven't seen them around in the last day or so. I am sure there will be further broods to come. The good news is we have had some proper rain today at last. Let's hope this weather continues for a while until the moat is back to its proper water levels.

Sunday 22 April 2012

First Moorhen Chicks of 2012

After a rough year for the moorhens including the current lack of water depth it is good to see the first chicks of the year. There are definitely four and maybe five although I am not 100% sure whether they are all from the same brood. The feeding and care of young is complex and often only part of the brood is taken out by an adult.
Anyway here is a picture of three of the 2012 chicks under the care of an adult.

Thursday 12 April 2012


It's been a big year for ladybirds so far; to be specific 7-spot ladybirds. They are much more plentiful than I have seen them here before. I don't know whether it is the early spring weather in February and March or the drought we have had here for the last eighteen months or what, but everywhere you can see lots of 7-spots.