Wednesday 15 July 2009

Chicks and Ducklings update

The moorhens have not been prolific in the spring and early summer with apparently only three juveniles raised successfully so far but two days ago that changed with six new moorhen chicks spotted. Although they look the same age there appear to be two broods - one of four and one of two. I spotted them when I saw an adult moorhen chasing one of the juveniles to the extent that it escaped underwater. I was wondering why when I saw the newly hatched chicks. The picture is one of the new moorhen arrivals.

The mallards have also had a restrained season - the numbers, behaviours and outcomes seem to vary wildly each year. This season we had a nest destroyed early on by a fox and then two broods of ducklings hatched in late April/early May with around 22 ducklings in total. Of these one brood seemed to be reduced to just two ducklings when we were on holiday in April but they have continued to live and feed on the moat albeit the mother has been (understandably) cautious and protective of the two remaining ducklings. The ducklings were very obedient and kept close to her but they are nearly full grown now. A second group of five ducklings plus mother has also been spending a lot of time here but whether they are the remains of the second brood I cannot be certain. They are again pretty much grown and I have not seen them as a group much of six much in the last couple of weeks. A variable group of between five and ten almost-grown mallards are now spending time most days sleeping on the lawn but whether this is one brood or just a group of 'teenagers' hanging out - again I am not sure.

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