Friday 21 May 2010

Ducklings update

The two ducklings on the moat continue to thrive. I am continually amazed at how different Mallard families are. This one has a drake in close attendance which is unusual and the ducklings are unusally independent. They tend to stick together but can be seen all over the moat with no adult in evidence. When the four of them, adults and ducklings, get together however they hang out on the bank in close order.

This evening we were visited by the original brood of nine (now five) who had been sighted on a nearby pond. They have no drake and the mother keeps them close at all times. They were back in the stream so I am not sure whether they have been on the moat itself but it confirms that the two ducklings are a different brood.

STOP PRESS - just seen them feeding on the moat

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